Free Domain Names, Hosting Services, Low-Cost Web Server
Are Free Domain Names Worth It?
A lot of us are looking for ways on how we are going to start our online business with a minimum start-up expense on our part. This is the reason why some people think about a free domain name. With this, you will be able to get a domain obviously for free. Now, this may sound good especially for the budget-conscious, but you have to think again. There are a lot of reasons why this service is offered for free. You need to know first what you will be getting for you might end up in the end realizing that you have wasted some valuable time and effort for your business.
You need to determine the purpose of your site. If you are just among those people who simply wanted to try having their website, then this free domain name would suit you well. Surely, you are still experimenting on how it would feel to have a personal website and see the things that you can do with it. So there is no problem with registering your site on a free domain. But, if you are a serious business enthusiast, who plans to make your business known to people online, this option might not be good for you. If your site is intended for some serious business, you need to go for those paid domains. Most of the time, free domains are unreliable. This is due to the many websites that are handled by the server since it comes for free and is being used by a lot of people.
Most of the time, the battle for success online would not solely depend on the kind of business that you run, but it would also depend much on the kind of site that you have for it will take the first impression of your clients.